Industry News
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Top Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals

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The podcast space is growing rapidly and the shows for manufacturing and industrial professionals are no exception. Podcasts in this genre can range from broad industry analysis, to strategic business advice. 

We’ve curated a list of some of the best podcasts for industrial businesses. Shows were evaluated based on their publishing consistency, diversity of interesting guests, and quality of content. What are your favorite podcasts? Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below.

GA-podcast-cover-1600Gemba Academy : Lean Thinking

Gemba Academy is an online learning platform, packed with Lean & Six Sigma educational content. Our friend Ron Pereira at the Gemba Academy Podcast has been producing consistent episodes for a long time. Ron’s passion for these topics is demonstrated with his enthusiasm and positive attitude that lets guests open up and share insightful conversation. 

Host: Ron Pereira, Co-Founder at Gemba Academy

Publishing Consistency: Weekly

Recommended Episodes:

The Voices of Manufacturing


Brian Sallee, Co-Founder of Dozuki, has spent over a decade working with manufacturers from innovative startups, like Tesla, to established and sophisticated manufacturers, like 3M. With a large and diverse network, Brian will give a voice to the real people behind this fascinating industry. The Voices of Manufacturing promises to dive deep with industry specialists and thought leaders.

Host: Brian Sallee, Co-Founder of Dozuki

Publishing Consistency: Every 2 weeks

Recommended Episodes:

Manufacturing Happy HourMFG_HH-podcast

Chris Luecke takes a casual approach to industry topics, sitting down with manufacturing leaders and doers every week; drink in hand. Guests discuss actionable strategies to take your people, processes, and enabling technologies to the next level. And as the name implies, Chris always has a libation nearby. 

Recommended Episodes:

Host: Chris Lueke, Podcast Creator & Former Technology Consultant at Rockwell Automation

Publishing Consistency: Weekly

Making ChipsMC-Podcast

Jason and Jim from the Making Chips Podcast are field tested machinists and manufacturing professionals who host interesting guests, from operators to CEOs. They discuss ideas that help with the growth of manufacturing leaders and businesses. 

Recommended Episodes:

Hosts: Jason Zenger & Jim Carr, Co-Founders at Making Chips

Publishing Consistency: Weekly

The PreparedTP-Podcast-cover

The Prepared has generated a loyal following on their weekly newsletter, which is packed full of informative and interesting content. At The Prepared’s Podcast, Spencer Wright sits down with operators and engineers to discuss the problems and solutions that these technical workers are overcoming every day.

Recommended Episodes:

Host: Spencer Wright, Founder @ Editor in Chief at The Prepared

Publishing Consistency: Roughly once a month

The Manufacturing ReportTMR-podcast

The official podcast from the Alliance for American Manufacturing hosted by its President, Scott Paul, who chats with policy makers, manufacturing experts, and factory workers. Guests share their experiences and insights in the value and pursuit of making things in America.

Recommended Episodes:

Host: Scott Paul, President at Alliance for American Manufacturing

Publishing Consistency: Every 2 Weeks

Manufacturing LeadersMFGL-podcast

Ciscos’ Manufacturing Leaders podcast discusses how manufacturing companies are approaching digital transformation and what strategies leading professionals are using to adapt and evolve their digital strategy.

Recommended Episodes:

Host: Mara Fowler, Customer Stories Specialist at Cisco

Publishing Consistency: Every 3-4 Weeks

Topic(s): Industry News , Podcast
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Written by Dozuki

Founded in 2011, Dozuki has been the leader in connected worker solutions for over a decade. We’ve helped hundreds of companies plan, implement, and scale our frontline digital transformation solution.

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